March / April Newsletter

Decorative Wave

It is hard to believe that February is already behind us and March is here. We had a very busy month with many of our cultural studies and holidays: President’s Day, Washington’s Birthday and Valentine’s Day. We would like to share all our goals and activities for this month.


March 17 – St. Patrick of Ireland Day.

Please bring some green food for snack to share with everyone on Wednesday, March 17th. Thanks!

Calendar Change: March 31st is a normal school day dismissal.

April 1st – Spring Easter party & Egg hunt @ 11:30 Children only {minimum Day}

April 2nd – April 5th Spring break School closed

April 6th – School resumes

March/April Curriculum

Zoology and Botany will be our unit of study in the cultural area for the spring section. We will learn the concept of Living/Non-Living, Plants and Animals, and Vertebrates/Invertebrates. Our focus will be on learning about the five Vertebrates: Birds, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Mammals.

Language: We are introducing the group of the letter “i” and we will be working on the upper case/ lower case recognition of sound and letter name.

                           Ii, Ll, Bb, Qq, Zz, Vv

Sequencing: Egg to chick and seeds to plants.

Math: Working on understanding the values of numbers by using the number rods, spindle boxes, cards and counters, and the numbers and counters.

From Writing to Reading: Word Building

Dr. Montessori always pointed out that the young child has a natural sensitivity for language development which follows closely on the years when he or she learns to speak his native language. The child at three, four and five years of age has a unique fascination for words, both  printed and spoken. This fascination often enables him/her to begin reading and writing before  the age at which it is traditionally taught.

The individual presentation of language materials in the Montessori classroom allows the teacher to take advantage of each child’s greatest periods of interest. Reading instruction can begin on the day when the child wants to know what a word says or when he or she shows interest in using the Sandpaper Letters. Writing nearly always precedes reading in the Montessori environments.

Spring Party:

Our spring party is on Thursday, April 1st from 11:30 to 1:00 pm. Its children’s party only, and dismissal will be after the party. We will have a luncheon and egg hunt. A sign in sheet will be posted by the front door for pot luck dishes. Please let us know if your child will not be participating.

Reminder: Please provide two hard boiled eggs and six plastic eggs filled with Easter stuff no later than Monday March 29th for Easter egg coloring and the egg hunt. Also, bring your own Easter basket for the egg hunt.

Thanks and have a great month and happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Easter!